
Liquid Dentist

Formula 528

Liquid Dentist

Formula 528


LIQUID DENTIST is best used to prevent this situation. Once the main connective tissue protein fibers in the structure of a tooth is drilled away, or broken down from severe decay, the missing pieces cannot be regenerated reliably using LIQUID DENTIST. For this situation you need either: 1) a LIVING DENTIST who is affordable, sensitive to your needs, and technically skilled; or 2) to keep the broken tooth VERY clean using mechanical aids, including brushes and picks, plus avoiding refined carbohydrates to reduce the risk of additional decay. Add to these teeth good hygiene and good nutrition to boost your immune system and natural immunity; then by using LIQUID DENTIST you may be able to forestall further tooth, bone, and periodontal destruction.

How about other decay that seems to be pointing to “a root canal is necessary”?

This is a GREAT question. But “pointing” to a root canal, and a “necessary” root canal, are two different things. “Pointing” implies the nerve is still alive (i.e., a “vital” tooth remains). If this is the case, LIQUID DENTIST, along with the complete avoidance of foods containing decay-promoting processed sugars, will likely cause the decay to “arrest” or stop. Then, you may be able to restore the tooth very nicely without a root canal (depending on how much of the tooth structure remains viable for remineralization using LIQUID DENTIST daily rinses, and how the nerve responds by, ideally, laying down new ‘dentin’ within the canal to protect the nerve from further decay).

Remember, tooth restoration using LIQUID DENTIST always depends on: 1) the sugar-starving and oxygen killing of decay producing (acid forming) germs IN the tooth; and 2) the presence of dental connective tissue fibers that act like rebar (for structural support) forming the tooth’s protein matrix into which calcium, phosphate, and other natural hardening elements (that form the hard “hydroxyapatite” tooth structure) become absorbed. 

The good vitality of the nerve is important to forego or eliminate the need for a root canal.

LIQUID DENTIST is not used to regenerate bone or gum tissues that have receded down the roots of teeth due to periodontal disease. LIQUID DENTIST will arrest tooth decay and may be able to reverse decay. But gum disease is a different problem. Both are reversed when coupled with proper self-care that includes avoiding the sweets (as mentioned above) AND, for gum disease, good mechanical cleaning daily using brushes, floss, and pics when necessary. The reversal of gum disease can reverse the inflammation, but will not (likely) regenerate bone that was lost.

Do you have any actual clinical evidence of this product regenerating teeth, bone, or gum?

As stated above, LIQUID DENTIST is not able to regenerate hard and soft periodontal tissues that resulted from chronic periodontitis producing receding gums. The reversal of gum disease is claimed expressly due to the healing of inflamed gum tissues. Red, swollen , bleeding, painful gum tissues become pink, firm, tight, and normal after a few days following the LIQUID DENTIST regimen.

The claim of reversing tooth decay is substantial by clinical evidence proving the combination of medical ozone (oxygenation therapy), followed by mineral mouth rinsing, “regenerates” tooth structure. LIQUID DENTIST was formulated based on these readily available published studies.

Swallowing LIQUID DENTIST may have a beneficial impact systemically in preventing bone loss and gum recession from periodontal disease. The reason for this is simple–LIQUID DENTIST contains a remarkable combination of immune boosting monoatomic and diatomic minerals besides a high concentration of safe nano-silver that will kill germs and retard periodontal degeneration. Swallowing LIQUID DENTIST is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for its beneficial affects on total body health. If you are using LIQUID DENTIST this way, there is probably no need for you to use OxySilver, because you are getting plenty of silver-antimicrobial impact with LIQUID DENTIST alone when swallowed.

Potentially, yes. “Swigging” LIQUID DENTIST directly from the bottle may weaken the formula over time as some of your oral proteins may swish back into the bottle. These proteins may then combine with the micro-silver and the enzymes that coat your teeth. So we recommend pouring the LIQUID DENTIST you plan to use into the cap, and consuming it from there.

However, many people do swig LIQUID DENTIST from the bottle, and no one has complained over many years.

Probably the worst result that may accrue from swigging the formula is that it turns a bit sour. It may lose some of its fresh minty sweet flavor. But even then, the product is satisfying and remains effective.

LIQUID DENTIST contains a proprietary blend of enzymes and essential oils carried by glycerin, besides silver and oxygen. This produces an unprecedented clean mouth feeling that lasts for days due to the protective enzymes that retard plaque build-up. 

The “detoxification reaction” that can coat your tongue and oral mucous membranes demonstrates LIQUID DENTIST working to kill and congeal disease-forming bacteria and toxins. This also helps to make you aware of the difference between clean teeth and “dirty teeth.” After a few minutes, this coating generally disappears. You can also brush your tongue to get rid of the film as well as germs and toxins. 

You will automatically use the tip of your tongue to feel around tooth surfaces for more noticeable “plague roughness” or remaining “gunk.” You will be surprise to feel how super-smooth your cleaned teeth feel with your tongue.

Thus, after using LIQUID DENTIST, you will feel  more motivated to practice great oral hygiene; and you will feel compelled to remove any remaining plaque or “toxic accumulations” on your teeth. This is why dental professionals who are EARNESTLY committed to their patients’ oral health and good hygiene, all LOVE LIQUID DENTIST with 528.

Those coagulants contain the active proprietary ingredients including enzymes that help protect your teeth, and make them feel super-clean and super-smooth after swishing for 3-9 minutes. Those coagulations include organic glycerin, and the highest quality essential oils that separate from the 528 structured water matrix. VIGOROUS SHAKING restores the more fluid consistency of the product.

Single bottles can be kept in your bathroom, and do not need to be refrigerated when used daily. But when bought by the case, stocks of LIQUID DENTIST should be refrigerated to maintain optimal strength and freshness. It should be treated like good organic food. Summarily, refrigerating the product after opening is not recommended, but refrigerating stocks helps extend the life of the active oils and enzymes in LIQUID DENTIST..

The bottles should be SHAKEN VIGOROUSLY before use to reduce “clumping.”

Vigorous swishing helps release oxygen, minerals, and enzymes from LIQUID DENTIST as well as your salivary glands during use. This is highly recommended.

We have worked to correct that, but it is a bit difficult to do since the product is “hand-crafted” in small batches. So there is always some inconsistencies between the first bottles coming from the batch and the last bottles coming from the batch. This happens despite the fact that the batches are well stirred throughout the manufacturing and bottling process.

Also, if you ordered a case, we recommend that you only keep one bottle at a time in the bathroom, and refrigerate the remaining bottles to keep the essential oils fresher and enzymes most active. They do seem to diminish in strength over time, especially if stored in a hot or warm environment.

 Those variations are also partly attributable to the hand-crafted nature of the product.

That coating factor is most important. Many people, including Dr. Horowitz, prefer a heavier coating resulting from the swishing. But some people have complained about that. So the more “commercial” concentration of coating ingredients leaves a slight coating on the teeth helping to produce the positive results most users report.

We are always working to perfect the consistency, challenged by hand-crafting and variations of ingredient supplies. The quality of the product is affected by supplies of natural organic, or certified wild crafted, ingredients that also change from time to time. 

Much of these inconsistencies in ingredient availabilities are due to the gross unlawful interference with the public’s and industry’s access to increasingly scarce natural healing ingredients due to CODEX ALIMENTARIUS (Big Pharma) regulations.

All of these factors challenge our efforts to maintain consistency of this great product and formula as a small company.

Regarding not needing OxySilver if you are using Liquid Dentist, that question is still up in the air, and the answers depend on what you are using OxySilver w/528 to accomplish. 

OxySilver is more concentrated than LIQUID DENTIST (“LD528”) with regard to the silver hydrosol concentration. So although LD528 offers some protection, it is unclear as to how much should be taken for varying conditions; or “how much is enough,” since everyone’s immunity varies and everyone is exposed to varying risks.

In this regard, Dr. Horowitz wrote a Healthy World Affiliate, explaining how he always supplements his diet with OxySilver whenever he feels a cold or flu oncoming. He wrote, “a few weeks ago, simply using Liquid Dentist, not OxySilver, I shook hands with a man who just return from a doctor’s office for the flu. He had been vaccinated and placed on antibiotics. He was shedding the new man-made strain of flu virus (e.g., H1N1) and transmitted that virus to me. Two days later I started coming down with a bad flu. So I immediately took OxySilver (i.e., 3 capfuls 3 times daily with prayer), and it dramatically helped. I took 3 capfuls with prayer right away that I stay healthy. I am a very “visual” person and can “see” in my minds-eye the white light power of the Holy Spirit coming down into my head. I send that healing energy down throughout my body, and pray for increased immunity to stay healthy. I did this successfully many times before and never got sick or lost any work or play time.  In this case of presumably H1N1, I broke my fever very quickly. I also used the Flumonia Factor Formula (containing Lomatium and Devil’s Club) to ease residual cough.”

So that is what you can do if you do not use OxySilver regularly, and then get sick. 

In conclusion, using OxySilver daily will undoubtedly add increased protection, more than Liquid Dentist alone, simply due to the higher concentration of beneficial silver.