
Liquid Dentist

Formula 528

Liquid Dentist

Formula 528

Ingredients and Special Notes

Liquid Dentist w/528 and 21 Great Natural Ingredients

1) 528Hz/nm Structured Water and OxySilver w/528 Frequency

2) Liquid Lecithin 

3) Himilayan Sea Salt, Dead Sea Salt, and Proprietary Enzymes

4) Coral Calcium 

5) Diatomacious Earth (form of silica) 

6) Calcium Phosphate.

7) MSM

8) Magnesium Citrate and Magnesium Salt 

9) Baking Soda

10) Fulvic Acid

11) Liquid Zinc

12) Vegetable Glyerine and Xylitol Sweeteners

13) Monoatomic Gold

14) Trace of Indium

15) Organic Peppermint, Wintergreen and Spearmint.

16) Natural Vanilla Extract

17) Cinnamon Bark

18) Rosemary, Tyme, and Eucalyptus

19) Clove Bud Oil

20) Lemon Oil

21) Stabilized OxyGen (36% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide)

Special Notices

Hand Crafting Special Notice
The color of LIQUID DENTIST may change periodically from off-white or beige to slightly darker due to variations in our supply of fulvic acid and/or liquid lecithin. Likewise, the strength of the fulvic acid flavor may also vary for the same reason. We always try to use the freshest purest ingredients available for every batch of LIQUID DENTIST. Sometimes this requires us to use different small suppliers that “hand process” their raw products. Also, it seems, during winter months, there is a risk of freezing during shipping. This may slightly alter the color and taste of LIQUID DENTIST too, but its strength remains unharmed. We just thought you should know!

Notice on Refrigeration & Coagulation:

Refrigerate this product to maintain optimal strength, and SHAKE VIGOROUSLY when “clumping” becomes a concern. But, even if you don’t refrigerate, LIQUID DENTIST maintains adequate protective enzyme activity.

You can use the coagulated clumps of essential oils as a “toothpaste” or additive to your toothpaste.

The highest quality essential oil ingredients naturally separate from the structured water matrix, especially in the presence of our natural enzymes. This is why VIGOROUS SHAKING restores the more fluid consistency of this product.

Vigorous swishing helps release oxygen, minerals, enzymes during usage.