
Liquid Dentist

Formula 528

Liquid Dentist

Formula 528

The Nearest Dentist is at Home with Me: It is LIQUID DENTIST, from . . . .

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz

  • Clinician
  • Scientist
  • Celebrity

End Needless Suffering, Pain and expense!

If you are tired of losing your teeth and money to dental and periodontal diseases, or can no longer afford dentists, you’ve come to the right place. 

I’m Dr. Leonard Horowitz. As a widely celebrated expert in natural medicine, health science, and consumer protection, I am honored to introduce you to your best and nearest dentist.  It’s “Liquid Dentist with 528 (resonance)”. 

Over the years, the dentist near me —Liquid Dentist— has become my most popular and best-selling “Electroceutical.” An electroceutical is a drug, or alternatively, a naturally-resonating energetic frequency-delivering nutritional supplement great for your health. In this case, I pioneered the use of the 528 frequency in nutritional supplements and the dentist near me. This 528Hz/nm great vibration is known as the “LOVE frequency,” capable of producing “miraculous” DNA repair. The fact is, 528 frequency is the “MIracle” tone in the original Solfeggio musical scale. For these reasons, I infuse the dentist near me, and my entire line of health products that people adore, with this resonance energy.  


Why People Love the “Dentist Near Me"

A lot of people search the Internet for a “ dentist near me ”, not knowing that the best dentist, and nearest dentist, can and should be at home with you in your bathroom. (Tip: You can even keep Liquid Dentist fresh for years in your refrigerator.) 

Over the years, by ‘word-of-mouth’ from satisfied users, “Liquid Dentist with 528”—the dentist near me—has become one of my top-selling and most successful health products. Customer satisfaction is assured because the dentist near me:

1) Reverses tooth decay;

2) Reverses gum diseases;

3) Boosts natural immunity against myriad diseases;

4) Freshens your breath;

5) Protects your teeth with a coating that you can feel that prevents plaque and oral problems;

6) Promotes great oral hygiene and better nutrition—avoiding acidic sweets;

7) Makes your teeth feel “super-smooth” and “hygienist-clean” for up to three (3) days after a 3 minute swish; 

8) Saves you a lot of money by not having to see dentists so frequently, or out of necessity; and


That means Liquid Dentist with 528 frequency resonance—the “ dentist near me “—that is home with me in my bathroom and can be stored for months in my fridge, is the first wholistic, broad-spectrum, oral health product that tastes great (even for kids), is made to swallow, and improves your general and oral health all at the same time!

More Great “528” Products

Oral health and general wellness are intimately connected. Consider buying each of the following great 528 Electroceuticals.

If you are wise and discerning, you likely have doubts about “528 resonance frequency” in the dentist near me. That’s okay. Just keep reading and learning.

I pioneered the “528 industry” that is exploding internationally because my original research and scientific publications have been corroborated by many other independent investigators worldwide (as you can read by clicking the links below).  This science has caused a worldwide revolution/evolution in the music industry, natural healing arts and sciences, clinical therapeutics, and ‘higher consciousness’ based on “LOVE/528″ intelligence. And if you are ill, or worry about friends and loved ones who are sick needing help, you will find the 528 frequency, especially “OxySilver with 528,” VERY helpful. To a great extend, Liquid Dentist that is made from “OxySilver with 528″ serves as an alternative to risky vaccinations, deadly antibiotics,, poisonous drugs, or poor health.

Read The Book of 528 featured below. You will learn that my 528 frequency technologies, and extraordinary 528 electroceutical line of consumer products, integrates this intelligence and promise such great benefits.

The Dentist Near Me Starts with OxySilver resonating at 528 Frequency.

OxySilver with 528

Making Vaccinations, Antibiotics, and Colloidal Silvers Obsolete

After NASA scientists developed the prototype, I was asked to bring it to market. Subsequently, I pioneered “OxySilver with 528 Electroceutical(s)” based on extensive scientific research and clinical studies. My research showed that you heal and stay healthy energetically, vibrationally, most powerfully, effectively, and enduringly, using the key ‘resonance’ (or ‘good vibration’) at the heart of nature. That is “528 frequency” of sound and green light.

That’s why the dentist near me incorporates this wonderful 528 energy.

It has been my honor to develop this unparalleled therapeutic biotechnology making all risky vaccinations, deadly antibiotics, and old fashioned colloidal silvers obsolete, knowing that: 

(A) your DNA directs sound and light 528 healing energy to your cells and tissues through a special kind of water (called “structured” or “clustered” water). This kind of water is a superconductor of sound and light energy. It is also a superconductor of nutrients and micro-nutrients into cells. And, it can hold the memory of resonance energyin this case “LOVE/528.”

(B) like water, silver is also a ‘superconductor’ of energy. And what is being conducted are electrons that are alkalizing ‘anti-oxidants’ that not only boost natural immunity, but also destroy germs that love and produce damaging acids; 

(C) in the dentist near meLiquid Dentist with 528OxySilver with 528 supplies nano-silver bonds in the liquid. The oxygen in this special structured water then delivers healing vibrations and anti-microbial silver. This happens safely and effectively. Then the silver leaves your body quickly in your urine mainly within 48 hours; 

(D) In Liquid Dentist, the 528 frequency of sound and green healing light energy is memorized within vibrating solution and delivers that healing energy to your teeth, gums, and throughout your body instantly. That’s why . . .

(E) the dentist near me uses 528 frequencythe best natural frequency of resonance energy in the universeto protect and restore my teeth and gums! 

FYI: 528 resonates at the heart of nature, including the most powerful energy output by your heart during loving faithful prayer. This is therapeutically monumental. Because it recognizes “prayer power” and encourages you to use ityour faithful heart-felt loving intention to heal or stay healthyevery time you use one of my 528 electroceuticals. 


Other 528 Therapeutic Products

Consider buying each of the following great products.

Dr. Horowitz's 528 Electroceuticals

The Science of 528

Following Dr. Horowitz’s pioneering revelations, scientists worldwide began testing the power of 528. Here are some early peer-reviewed scientific publications confirming the therapeutic and immune-boosting power of 528 frequency in “OxySilver w/528” and Liquid Dentist.

528 Music Therapy

Click to read benefits to endocrine and nervous system.

Brain/Nerve Cell Protection

Click to learn about 528 sound protecting the nervous system.

528 Green Bioelectronics

Click to learn about the "antidote" to vaccine injuries.

528 in Homeopathy

Click to discover the 'miracle' in 528 'homeo-alchemy'.

Testosterone & Antioxidants

Click for science on 528 and increased testosterone plus!

528 for Stress Reduction

Click to read a Forbes article citing 528 sound benefits!

Electroceuticals in Modern Medicine

Here’s a glimpse of what’s inside our ‘homeo-alchemy’ nutraceuticals.


I highly recommend Liquid Dentist to my patients, after the fantastic results I had with my own teeth. For years, I had a lot of plaque and tartar build up, despite, excellent daily oral hygiene practices. After one month using Liquid Dentist daily, I went to see my dentist, who had been cautioning me about the excess tarter. He found none. Soon after, I visited my hygienist and she also found little or no plaque build up or tarter. This is like a miracle to me. Thank you Dr. Horowitz, for creating such a wonderful product for natural oral healthcare.”

Dr. Aryana Canfield, N.D., O.M.D.,
Santa Fe, NM

I received a bottle of Liquid Dentist at the end of July and started using it every day, sometimes twice, but usually just once a day. Just a teaspoon swished around my mouth after brushing with it. After about a week, I began to feel that my bottom tooth, that has been sheared off at an angle, and was advised that it would probably need to come out, due to bacteria getting down into the root, was feeling different. It seemed that it was getting larger, maybe actually remineralizing, I was awake most of that night, just feeling the tooth with my tongue, and asking myself if this could really be. I have an upper tooth that was also broken off, due to having amalgam fillings as a child. When I had my amalgams removed , 15 to 20 years ago, there was not much tooth left, and a resin fillng was put in.

The tooth broke off after some years, and I had a gold crown put on. The dentist informed me that this tooth would have to come out, as the root was partially gone. Just recently, the crown fell off as I was chewing on something. This actually felt like a relief for my tooth, and it seemed like the tooth could ‘breathe’ again. I can now chew on carrots, salads, anything tough and fibery, and the teeth feel very strong. It is hard to believe. I do avoid white sugar, and have for a long time, and eat plenty of mineral rich foods. I mix powdered nettles with warm water, since this plant is mineral rich. and lots of fresh foods. This seems to really be key.

After using the Liquid Dentist, this tooth, also, feels fine and there is no problem with it now. So both teeth are feeling normal. So of course, I will keep using the LD. Don’t know what will happen down the line, but I will give reports as time goes by.”


Kate McCabe
Ashland, OR

Hey Dr. Len,

I just wanted to write to say how thankful I am for your work. It’s so awesome.
Liquid Dentist is so unbelievably amazing.
My mother, my brother and I have all gotten the same baffled/amazed reaction from our dentists as to how we could get that LD shine!
Everyone who tries it agrees.
The variations in flavour have been the only complaints I’ve received.

I was wondering if it’s redundant for a regular user of LD to also use Oxysilver?
BTW I think it’s fascinating that silver is the metal in the bible that represents redemption.

Godspeed in all your battles doc.


A Special Presentation by Dr. Horowitz